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Meet Lori Hales - Physiotherapist

Meet Lori everyone! With her Masters of Science in Physiotherapy, she has returned to the northwest to promote health and wellness to those in need. She will be leading two group sessions in my absence so you don't fall off the wagon while I'm away!

1. What inspired you to become a physiotherapist?

When I was 16 I sustained a knee Injury playing soccer. Going to physiotherapy helped me recover, make it to provincials and return to the activities I loved. From that point on, I was determined to provide that same support to others in similar situations.

2. What's the best thing about being a physiotherapist?

Helping people return to their activities as well as working at Revolution Wellness alongside other health professionals who all are passionate about improving the lives of their patients.

3. Are you an early bird or night owl?

Early bird...since I can't stay up past 10pm!

4. What's your favourite workout and why?

Intervals because it gets your heart rate going with the higher intensity movements. And the rest is nice too!

5. What is your favourite post workout meal?

Sounds weird but a fried egg with avocado on toast; so good!

6. What are your current fitness goals and how are you working on achieving them?

To run the half marathon leg in the Skeena River Relay this spring. I am currently following a running schedule incorporating distance and hill training... and maybe even attending some MC Exercise classes to get that extra edge!

7. If trapped on a dessert island with just one cd of music, what would it be?

Right now it would be James Bay - Chaos and the Calm.

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